Been a long week. Aidan has been home with the flu all week! And Jeremy has been trying to recover since last week. Of course, he can't take off of work too long, so he can't rest as much as he should. Poor guys! Aidan missed his Kindergarten Rodeo Day today. The class went to Mesquite Ranch to do cowboy stuff. We borrowed stuff from Amy, Kyle, and Caleb to dress up and he didn't feel up to going. So we dressed up this afternoon and went around to Dad, and Grandparents to show them his outfit. What a Cowboy heartbreaker!

I have probably gained 10 lbs just from being stuck at the house all week. All I have done is munch around. And we missed all the pretty weather
but we did manage a 10 minute walk around the block yesterday. Aidan and I both were feeling cabin fever. Hopefully it will be pretty next week, too.
Things have been mellow lately. No major drama. Alek is starting spring soccer, I don't know if Aidan wants to do anything. When he sent to see Pediatrician, she checked his heart really thoroughly and said he sounded good. She wants to see him in 2 months to check again. Maybe we won't have to do the EKG.
Aidan and I have a birthday on the 16th. Yay, he'll be 6 and I'll be 29 again. Gift Certificates to the new Awaken Day Spa would be awesome--if anyone reading wants to know 
Tessa and Taylor, my nieces had a birthday last month, and JJ, my nephew has one this month, too. My best friend from high school has a bday on the 14th. Also, Aidan & I were born on my Nano's birthday.
Wow, a full month for birthdays!