
Aidan's not a baby anymore

Aidan finally pulled his first tooth, well mom & dad yanked it with floss 'cause it had been loose forever! He was so proud! But he did not trust his Daddy--he kept saying "no, mom do it"! Secretly loved that :-) He said EVERYONE had lost a tooth in his class but him....well he finally caught up!

Jeremy's Birthday

Oh! I am so excited. I gave Jeremy his birthday present early---tickets to Cruefest in August in Colorado Springs! He is so freakin' excited, he was just blown away. I have been in cahoots with my friend, Laurie, who lives there since February planning this. He said it is the best bday gift he's ever had. awww, shucks!

Anyway, we have to fib to Alek & keep it a total secret. He is such a Nikki Sixx & Crue fan he would be heartbroken to know we were going w/out him. Of course, he doen't think he is too young for anything, much less a Motley Crue concert. So we are just telling the kids we are going for a quick visit. I know, that's life. but I can't bear to see the look of hurt & betrayal ('cause he WILL ABSOLUTELY take it that way) on his sweet little face. Soooo, if anyone ever reads this anymore....don't tell!!

I'm back....

Wow, it has been a while---again! I have started a new business & I am loving it. It has just kept me really busy the past two months. I am a mobile spa consultant, which basically means I do at home spa parties for stressed out, busy women. Which qualifies 99.9% of us, right? hee hee.

I have been using the pharmaceutical grade skin care since November and have seen great results. The spa products are high-end day spa quality, too. I am just blown away by this stuff. It does what it says it does, no messing around! That is the big reason I decided to do it, I know it works, and I totally believe in it. Second, Jeremy has worked so hard for me to be able to stay at home, it is nice to provide any kind of second income. AND, I set my own hours, no daycare for my kiddos!

Boys have been enjoying summer. Swimming at town club & Nanny & GrandDad's. Aidan just finished up softball season today. They are taking a power trampoline & tumbling class at AC and they are loving it. Of course our trampoline ripped right on cue---day of their first class....aarrgghh.

having trouble sleeping....which is why I am catching up at 2 am! Jaw pain, worries, I just have my days & nights mixed up already. I can't stand sleeping in so late in summer, but I stay exhausted during the day, then i am wide awake at night?? What the heck??


My demented mother!

To get this story, if you haven't heard it already, you MAY NOT look at pictures at bottom until you have finished reading. Here goes:

Mom & I are leaving Town Club after yoga class. I say "oohh mom, check out that corvette next to my van, it's brand new". So we go over to just check it out, I thought. Then my mom starts putting her hands ON THE WINDOWS to peek in. So I figure the alarm is about to go off. Then she says, "I wonder if it's unlocked". She goes for the door handle as I start panicking telling her to stop it! The alarm is gonna go off! But no, she opens the door. By this point I figure someone's keychain is going off inside and some bodybuilder is gonna come running at us! Then she says"come smell the new car smell" as she proceeds to sit IN A STRANGERS NEW CORVETTE. At this point I am pacing in the parking lot telling my mom to get out of that persons car NOW! But she doesn't stop there. Apparently, the new cars have a push button start so she decides to see if it will start. It does. I am just about on the pavement unconscious. My chicken, shyest person I know, mother is going to get us arrested! I say very sternly: Get out of that car--I am leaving! She says"okay, okay" turns it off, shuts the door. In the back of my pea-sized brain I am still expecting a swarm of cops at any moment. As I start to stomp off to my car she pulls something out of her purse and shakes something at me:
Smiling like the evil woman she is, says, "IT'S MINE!" while shaking her keys at me. Yes, my mom totally punked me :) Then i got to drive it--So I forgave her. I only got it to 95mph because I was in town. Peeled out around one corner, she wasn't too happy about that! Can't wait to drive it outside of town on a highway! It is a gorgeous, beautiful car and her and my Dad totally derserve it!

Alek & Aidan were thrilled! Jeremy's Dad bought a white one about 3 years ago, so they just have the coolest Grandparents ever, huh?

to answer the questions....

No we are not planning on moving anytime soon, contrary to what Amy will tell you :) We would like to eventually find a home in Belmar, if not there then in a newer neighborhood and keep our home in Paramount as a rent house. So, we are casually browsing when the fancy strikes us! It may just be a pipe dream, but I love to look at houses anyway. BTW, have I already missed the parade of homes this year?


Not so much...

The houses on Jameson that were way nice.....not so much!!! Trick photography is the only explanation :-)



I did zumba class this morning. It was a blast. My left back is hurting soooo bad but it was soooo worth it! I just can't imagine how jaw issues can cause this much radiated pain. But I joined a facebook page for TMJ sufferers. A lot of people describe the same pain I have. Well, going to go put my feet up for 45 min before Aidan gets out. Maybe that will help my neck & back ease up. Then I am going to look at 2 houses on Jameson--they are way nice.



Did yoga this morning. Could feel the pain in my shoulder & arm trying to come back. I modified several poses to help that. It is 3:30 pm and my upper left back is killing me, along with the "corner" of my left neck & shoulder. I am trying to keep my muscles relaxed, including my jaw. Isn't that an oxymoron or something? I am concentrating on relaxing neck & jaw. I can do biceps & triceps, but no shoulder or trap work. Oh well, I'll just keep trying. But I am not giving up exercising again. The pm medicine seems to help relax muscle spams, but not during the day yet. Maybe I will get there. I am only getting around to icing my jaw twice a day so far. i will work on that. I want to start a food and exercise journal. If I can't add some sort of gadget, I will just do another blog attached to this one. That way I can see why I am not losing weight like I think I should be. Off to get ready for roller skating again! yay :-)


Today is the day

I am officially starting the treatment today. He told me to give it a week. So, if at least some small improvements aren't seen, guess I'll have to call and go back. Pray it does begin to work. I am comtemplating a TMJ LMT. I know she will give me some relief, I just worry how temporary. I don't want to spend the money to go very often. Once a month is ideal. I don't know. I'll just pray, watch, and see!



Okay, just when I have the next 7 days planned, God laughs and reminds me I don't really get that much of a say so! After the doctor's visit, I got the virus Alek had. Two days down, with no easter shopping done, didn't get to start my jaw medicine, and I think I kicked the pain up a notch by puking for 10 hours! I could only open 1/2 way w/out pain--then violent puking--not good. Not to mention Dr. said I could start exercising again, so I went Wed afternoon. I was majorly sore while I was puking and running fever. I feel so old. I can't seem to bounce back as quickly anymore. I just showered and I feel like I jogged a mile! Well, going to try to finish my day in one piece. God blessed me with wonerful friends and neighbors, Darlene & Felisha, who helped me with my boys this week. Thank you girls! Wouldn't know what to do w/out ya!


Doctor visit

Well, doctor confirmed my TMJ problems today. Whew! Going to try some things and if no improvment in about a week, I have to go back. Not too excited about the mush diet, but am willing to do anything at this point! He also cleared my to slowly begin exercising again. So I guess I will start hitting the gym with Stacey again.

I am disappointed I didn't have time to visit Nano or Grandma while I was in Dumas, but I had to get back by 3:00. I wonder if we have any soccer games on Easter weekend. Hmmm, better check the schedule. Jeremy committed us to Salsa on Saturday, i don't think he realized it was Easter eve. Maybe we can get out of it, and go next time.



My left arm can finally move! yay. The pain and numbness has finally improved. The nerve pills helpd alot. Now that the overwhelming fear of that mysterious ailment has improved, I have my jaw to contend with. I had no idea jaw problems could lead to so much pain in my neck, shoulder, and back. The headaches are a given. But the swelling on my left side is glaringly obvious every day now. So is the misalignment. It used to not be so noticeable. The clicking has gotten worse. I can't eat somedays without total pain, and my left ear feels like a have a bad ear infection every day. Thankfully, I know I am not alone. I got online and found some TMJ pages on facebook. I can't describe the relief when I started reading other's symptoms and they were very close to mine. I was starting feel crazy. On the other hand, it seems there is not much agreement in the medical or dental community on how to treat varying TMJ problems and not much seems to work.

I have quit exercising, and doing a lot of things I enjoy because the pain gets so bad. I don't know if my frozen shoulder, arm pain and numbness were the result of the TMJ problems, but now that I have a little relief from that, I see some light at the end of the tunnel. I am going back to the Dr. tomorrow to see what he thinks about my jaw. I will keep doing acupuncture treatments because it just help soooo much with so many things. I hope I get the okay to start back doing some physical activity. I just go for a walk, and my upper back and shoulder blades start to burn. And I mean a fierce burning pain, where i have to stop and bend over for a few minutes to be able to keep walking. Simple housework and cooking/baking (which I love to do) does the same thing, and I am sad I wont be able to work in my yard w/out the crippling pain coming on.

I keep surfing, reading, waiting, praying, to stumble across that miracle piece of information that will change everyting! My body feels so very weak and tired, and i hate it, hate it, hate it.

Roller Skating

Tessa & Taylor had their birthday party at the Skateplex Saturday. I had never been. I was pleasantly surprised. It was pretty nice and clean. I got brave enought to put on some skates, and it was just like riding a bike. It all came right back to me! I had a blast. It was Alek & Aidan's first time. I think that is something we will try to make a regular bad-weather afternoon activity when we can. And it is good exercise. My mom & Dad skated, too. There were pretty cute! Uncle Keegan finally got brave enough, and Keita took JJ out on the rink for a while. Aunt Carrie fell, and hurt her arm pretty badly. Family is such a blessing, even when they aren't, ya know? So I looked around at everyone having fun, and thanked God for everyone, just the way they are. God blessed me with a spectacular family.


Cougar Bash

I volunteered to help with the Bash this year. I haven't helped the past two years because we have been having major back surgeries in '07 & '08. I was a bit uneasy about making my game booth. They kept telling me to do it like last year's. Just like last year. Well, that doesn't help me any. I am a visual person. Show me what you want, and I can do it. Needless to say, I had some insecurities about what I came up with. I don't do instant creativity. I require a lot of stress, second-guessing myself, and comparison with others before I can create!

So I walk in the gym Friday to set up my area, and this is next to me, complete with belly dancing music and authentic bellydancing belt, videos, and morroccan food in a crockpot. Am I being punked?

(Julie's setup was really cool--fortunately for me she was the exception, not the rule!)

Because here was the set up for my area:
Complete with handmade foam eggrolls and 2 Wok's! (woo hoo, exciting) It turned out okay. The kids thought my race was really fun once they started watching. They actually waited in line to do the "eggroll wok" race. LOL
Hand use was not allowed. They had to get the eggroll with their chin, race down & drop them in a wok. The first one to get all 4 eggrolls in their wok won the race.

They kinda resemble large turds, huh!?

My good friend from high school, Christy,whom I just retouched with on Facebook, helped me figure out how to make the "eggrolls". I ended up using small bubble wrap for the filling. It made them bounce out of the wok, which made the game more fun, actually. The I rolled brown felt, then brown foam over that, and hot glued them together. There were "hula hawaii", "walk like an egyptian" booths that were funny to watch, too.


Waited all winter.....

Waited all winter for a good snow. After I have put away most of their winter gear, here comes a spring blizzard! Not complaining, though, we needed the moisture badly! The boys had a blast playing in it. Can't believe how fast it melted.

Uncle Keegan came over and they built a snowman. If only I could go from round and lumpy to buff as quickly as the snowman did!

We cooked out a few hours after.....crazy weather!


A Recipe For. . . . .??

Start with a backyard more dirt than grass, add just enough snow to make mud,

dog sit an extra mutt,

Let Alek talk me into 2 friends staying over:

mix in a little brother trying desperately to keep up w/ the big boys

Add the necessity of this verbal threat: If my ceiling crashes in, I am calling your parents and ya'll R going home
What do I have? Someone tell me, make me laugh!!!


Just wanted to give my brother, Keegan, a big congratulations on their second state champion ship in a row. You guys Rock! But let's show some of Keegans other qualities:

Such as dog lover--Look at my sweet little Zuko!!

Can't Sleep

Can't sleep. Should be exhausted from being sick, but here I am. I am watching CNN about "octomom" moving into 1/2 million dollar home, while her mom goes into foreclosure. Her designer new clothes. Well, it's supposed to be about the children. She sold pic's of the babies to buy the house. Hmmm, how much of that "makeover" money could have already gone to babies. Now. Million Dollar Baby is donating all cribs and decorations for rooms. Here is my question I haven't heard anybody ask: HOW IN THE HELL DID SHE AFFORD IVF? Don't we always hear about infertile couples struggling to afford IVF, and only have money for one shot at it?

And yes, I am an avid fan of The Dr.'s and Dr. Ordon stated she has obviously had plastic surgery in the past. So, she lives w/ her broke mom (whom nadia drove into BR no doubt), uses her mom up taking care of kids, has no job, has gov't assistance. Yet, somehow affords plastic surgery amidst having the first six kids, and mulitple IVF procedures? What Gives?

And now every one is banning Rhianna's music because she took Chris Brown back? I haven't heard anyone ripping his songs off their ipods for what he did? Or did I just miss that part? Uggg, just looking at him makes me angry.

Obviously, I should not be watching CNN at 2 am!! Walking Into The Wall Gosh, I hope I feel close to my self tomorrow. Feel like I have lost two days to my recliner!

I am praying we are all healthy for SB, since the weather is forecasted to be awesome! I have been homebound for two weeks now.


Long week

Been a long week. Aidan has been home with the flu all week! And Jeremy has been trying to recover since last week. Of course, he can't take off of work too long, so he can't rest as much as he should. Poor guys! Aidan missed his Kindergarten Rodeo Day today. The class went to Mesquite Ranch to do cowboy stuff. We borrowed stuff from Amy, Kyle, and Caleb to dress up and he didn't feel up to going. So we dressed up this afternoon and went around to Dad, and Grandparents to show them his outfit. What a Cowboy heartbreaker!

I have probably gained 10 lbs just from being stuck at the house all week. All I have done is munch around. And we missed all the pretty weather Kicking Dirt but we did manage a 10 minute walk around the block yesterday. Aidan and I both were feeling cabin fever. Hopefully it will be pretty next week, too.

Things have been mellow lately. No major drama. Alek is starting spring soccer, I don't know if Aidan wants to do anything. When he sent to see Pediatrician, she checked his heart really thoroughly and said he sounded good. She wants to see him in 2 months to check again. Maybe we won't have to do the EKG.

Aidan and I have a birthday on the 16th. Yay, he'll be 6 and I'll be 29 again. Gift Certificates to the new Awaken Day Spa would be awesome--if anyone reading wants to know Birthday Party Blower

Tessa and Taylor, my nieces had a birthday last month, and JJ, my nephew has one this month, too. My best friend from high school has a bday on the 14th. Also, Aidan & I were born on my Nano's birthday. Wow, a full month for birthdays!


Valentine's Day

Yeah, it's a late post, but I have been having fun sharing these pictures. Dressing up 80's was really fun. Kipp, Kim, Charity, Ty, Jeremy and me all went. It was at the Nat Ballroom. They played great 80's music, but they missed "99 Red Luft Balloons"--Too Bad!!

Blah, Blah, Blah

K, I am trying to set up all my stuff on a laptop. Sux. Never realized how much crap I actually have and rely on online. Scary. It is midnight, I am exhausted, yet I can't seem to stop! Anyone know how to get all of "my favorite" links from my pc to my laptop? What about email addresses on my pc in outlook 2003 to outlook express? If I have to reenter all that, I will not be a happy camper. I must admit, being able to sit in living room & work on computer while my hubby snores on the couch is better than having to be upstairs at the desk. Although, as many times as I run up the stairs every day just to do computer related things. . . well, my butt and legs may soon spread in size from lack of exercise--'cause with my shoulder injury--that's about all I get!

Alek takes the TAKS writing on Tuesday. He doesn't seem worried--YAY! I am taking my nieces out for a girl afternoon tomorrow for their birthdays. I am going to take them for pedi's and shopping for a top or something. Whatever they want--I am so excited. Girly stuff!!!!

Guess I'll pry myself from computer and go to bed. I am going to regret this in a few hours when the alarm goes off.


Good Song

I heard this song on Air 1, and the words hit me like a ton of bricks. How satan works under the radar, like sugar in a baby tooth, slowly rotting away and we don't know until it is rotten from the inside out. The sugar turned out to be poison. What about everyting we tolerate on TV, in movies, radio, commericals, video games? The Victoria's Secret commercials? Graphic previews to violent movies?(some previews have scared Aidan to death) Drake making out with 2 girls at once on "Drake & Josh"? Beating cops with my skateboard on the Tony Hawk video game? Everytime Sonic dies on the "kids" game he says damn? Being promiscious will happen, just accept it as normal growing pains and move on? I could go on and on. I feel like I am made out to be a religious nut or a prude for trying to keep my kids from not being desensitized to stuff. I stink at remembering scripture, but I know God tells us not to put unGodly things before our eyes. Who knows human nature better? It is so hard not to things slide with me or my kids these days.


Be careful little eyes what you see
It's the second glance that ties your hands as darkness pulls the strings
Be careful little feet where you go
For it's the little feet behind you that are sure to follow

It's a slow fade when you give yourself away
It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day
It's a slow fade, it's a slow fade

Be careful little ears what you hear
When flattery leads to compromise, the end is always near
Be careful little lips what you say
For empty words and promises lead broken hearts astray

It's a slow fade when you give yourself away
It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day

The journey from your mind to your hands
Is shorter than you're thinking
Be careful if you think you stand
You just might be sinking

It's a slow fade when you give yourself away
It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day
Daddies never crumble in a day
Families never crumble in a day

Oh be careful little eyes what see
Oh be careful little eyes what you see
For the Father up above is looking down in love
Oh be careful little eyes what you see

Close call

Last Sunday, Aunt Carrie came over so we could go look at new houses to get ideas for her bathroom. Jeremy was home with our kids. Alek was running down the stairs in his socks and slipped. He hurt his neck and had to go to ER. He actually hit a really hard bone in the skull right behind his ear, and it affected a muscle in his neck. The doctor said he was surprised to see an injury like that in that place. It wasn't serious, he couldn't be active for a week, but dr. said the more likely scenario would have been for him to hit on his neck or back and injure a disc or vertebrae. I know God had his angels catch Alek that afternoon. . . . he was leaning on the bannister on his right side. . . . he hit the edge of the stair on his left side. . . . Alek is back 100% now. . . . AMEN!


Prayer Request


Continuing Saga . . . .

Man, I jut can't seem to get to my computer long enough to finish! Where was I? Oh, the chest crushing anvil. After the words "heart murmur" left the dr.'s mouth, everything else just got sucked away, like the black hole in Zathura. Long story short, it is probably a harmless one, but we need to get a pediatric EKG just to know exactly what and where. So Dr. says his office will set one up in the next week or two with TT and let me know. Yeah right, try APRIL 14TH! Ugghhh, that is going to be a long wait. Even though everyone says the right things like, its 99% likely to be harmless, or its really most likely nothing to worry about--well you all know--the human mind just doesn't work that way. Thank heaven's Gods hands do. I am trying my best to put this worry in God's hands until it is time. Last night at the McDonald's playground, Aidan was running around like a wild indian, and all I could think of was his heart pounding away in his chest with a hole it it! or the valve, or whatever.

Then on the news, a 12 year-old was arrested for bringing a gun to school to use on a classmate at Austin MS. Realizing this is where my little Alek will be in a little over a year, caused more crushing in the heart area. A gun, my boy, middle school; those words should never have to be used together.


I fell off the wagon

Yes, I fell off the wagon today in my battle to quite Diet Cokes, and anything else w/ aspartame in it. Eight weeks "sober" and I caved today. It's not my fault, though, as any good addict would say. Since Monday, I feel like an anvil has been sitting on my chest constantly. Ya know, we had a great valentine's date for once. We went to an 80's party/prom. Dressed up, danced all night, had a great time (post pic's later). Then I went to the doctor Monday, and Aidan was sick Sunday so the doctor said he would see Aidan. Well, there I was wallowing in my misery, worried about my MRI, my chronic pain that is driving me to the point of madness, when the doctor asks "Has anyone said anything about Aidan's heart murmur?" Thus, the anvil landed. I am being summoned by above mentioned master Aidan, so I will have to pick this up later.

Bragging Rights

Wow, it's been a while since I posted. I just wanted to brag on Alek, my 4th grader. He made the A/B honor roll again. The only two B's he had were 89's. Darn it, missed the A honor roll by a pinch! And his behavior is awesome. I think he has had one mark in his entire school career :-)He's such a little comedian, I am proud he is a respectful class clown!!


Spatini Party


Here are pic's from my "spatini". Now, it may appear as some strange cult practice, but
I assure you, it's not!! If you haven't been to one or had one, I highly recommend it. We had a few drinks, snacks, a lot of laughs (thx Amy & Stacey!), and got pampered a bit. I am surprised at how much I like the Beauticontrol products. I have a link to my hostess's page, Karen, on the right. My sister-in-law, Takeita is having one towards the end of February, if anyone wants to go, let me know and you can come w/ me.


New Year's Party

Thanks Joel & Crystal, we had fun!

Yeah, more like Rock Band Party!

Amy & Darby got better singing scores on AC DC than Jeremy! Hee Hee