My boys, so precious, growing so fast. They mowed this weekend. Now, Aidan was not happy at all. He thought he was being sooo abused! Slaton & Sage started young, too but not at 5yrs. Sage has this big "dr phil" sob thing about how he was made to grow up too fast and Alek & Aidan never had to do anything--uh, because they were in diapers maybe?! Anyway, for those who don't know he is back with his "mom" (I use the term loosely) for good th
is time. I think it is good for them to help with the chores, and not for money, don't ya'll? I mean, we are a family and we should share in the work w/out getting paid. That's what I tell my boys anyway. Aidan was so funny. As soon as Jerm told him he had to help, too he ran to tattle on daddy by telling me!
Yes, I am the evil stepmom and I have 3 poor Cinderella's!! :o) They like to hum the Cinderelly song when I have them do something. And NO my kids don't get paid either unless they do something really above & beyond!!
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