August weekend
Labels: raising boys
Nothing like a Friday that starts out like a Monday. Dropped the boys off at school this morning. Aidan has been home w/ pink eye, its his first morning back. I come and think, I'll just lay down and close my eyes for 30 minutes. Then I'll get in the shower. But oh no, next think I know my eyes open and it is 10:30!!! Feeling totally lazy, I jump in the shower and actually decide to fix my hair. Ya know, maybe no one will know how long I slept if I do :-). Well, I get all the product in that it takes for my sad hair to ANYTHING, and start round brushing it, and my dryer explodes--not kidding. Sparks, smoke, the whold nine yards. I have no backup, so I have to run to the salon, no makeup, in cleaning clothes, and dry my hair. By the time I get to the salon, it is crunchy and mostly dry & frizzy on the ends. I look horrendous!! So as soon as I walk in April goes, "Gosh what happened to you?!" So the entire salon takes a look of course. So its 11:15 and everyone knows I was just getting my hair and face done. Boy, I felt like a winner. Then I have to style my hair in front of clients and stylists; so I felt scrutinized the whole time. My face was red, I was hot----ugh! I need a happy hour tonite!!!
Labels: Family
My Nano
Labels: Family
Gua sha pictures
These are pic's from my first gua sha treatment. The darker the color, the worse the condition. Pain, stagnate blood,tension/stress, etc. And no, it is not extremely painful. It was an amazing relief for me!
My second treatment, and it is so much better! Look at the difference on the back of my shoulder blades. It was about two weeks in between. Of course I'll have to wait longer this time, but I can't wait to do it again.
Labels: Health
First Blog Ever!
Jeremy is recovering from his back surgery okay. Not as well as he hoped, I don't think. But you know men, they think recovery should be over in a few weeks. But I don't think he'll be on the road to "normal" until a year, which is in April 09.
I think I have finally figured out all my wierd chronic pain in my upper body--TMJ. The acupuncture and gua sha have been the best treatment so far. Plus this really good LMT who worked on my jaw and face. It is just frustrating because affording the maintenance becomes a big financial problem sometimes. So I really have to pick when I want to be 95% pain free and when I'll just suffer!
Not bad for my first post, I guess!
Labels: Back to school