
Jeremy's Birthday

Oh! I am so excited. I gave Jeremy his birthday present early---tickets to Cruefest in August in Colorado Springs! He is so freakin' excited, he was just blown away. I have been in cahoots with my friend, Laurie, who lives there since February planning this. He said it is the best bday gift he's ever had. awww, shucks!

Anyway, we have to fib to Alek & keep it a total secret. He is such a Nikki Sixx & Crue fan he would be heartbroken to know we were going w/out him. Of course, he doen't think he is too young for anything, much less a Motley Crue concert. So we are just telling the kids we are going for a quick visit. I know, that's life. but I can't bear to see the look of hurt & betrayal ('cause he WILL ABSOLUTELY take it that way) on his sweet little face. Soooo, if anyone ever reads this anymore....don't tell!!


Scrappymommy said...

I sm totally telling Alek while he stays here. I'm going to play Motley Crue music, too. HeeHee He's in good hands!!