Wow, it has been a while---again! I have started a new business & I am loving it. It has just kept me really busy the past two months. I am a mobile spa consultant, which basically means I do at home spa parties for stressed out, busy women. Which qualifies 99.9% of us, right? hee hee.
I have been using the pharmaceutical grade skin care since November and have seen great results. The spa products are high-end day spa quality, too. I am just blown away by this stuff. It does what it says it does, no messing around! That is the big reason I decided to do it, I know it works, and I totally believe in it. Second, Jeremy has worked so hard for me to be able to stay at home, it is nice to provide any kind of second income. AND, I set my own hours, no daycare for my kiddos!
Boys have been enjoying summer. Swimming at town club & Nanny & GrandDad's. Aidan just finished up softball season today. They are taking a power trampoline & tumbling class at AC and they are loving it. Of course our trampoline ripped right on cue---day of their first class....aarrgghh.
having trouble sleeping....which is why I am catching up at 2 am! Jaw pain, worries, I just have my days & nights mixed up already. I can't stand sleeping in so late in summer, but I stay exhausted during the day, then i am wide awake at night?? What the heck??