Wow, what a whirlwind of a weekend! Jeremy has been traveling doing shows as a platform artist for Fudge products for over a year and this weekend was the first time I have gotten to go with him. He is awesome on stage if I do say so myself! I am very proud of him. I am exhausted just keeping up with Jeremy, Brittni, and April as a bystander--they all worked so hard. It was a great success, though. Saw some cool things, and some not so cool ones, this being the latter!:
I flew to Dallas, and as I was panicking while boarding the plane (hate to fly) I realized the last time I flew anywhere was in 1998, while I was pregnant with Alek--and before 9/11. Crazy, huh? My boys aren't used to being left without both parents for any length of time. We were only gone from Saturday am to Monday pm. Aidan was so upset Monday after school he couldn't even talk to me he was crying so hard. Alek missed me, he just didnt' want to admit it :-) It just made me realize how we never leave them. I can't imagine what would have happened if we would have gone to Jamaica for 7 days with the Lesters when they invited us!!! I guess God knew it would traumatize our kids. But Aidan does really good with Carrie & Bryan. He stayed for 3 days both of jeremy's surgeries and was okay. We need to start easing them into that for sure! We needed a grown up getaway badly.


Total bragging rights--Jerm is way awesome. Blew away most of the other platform artists there--including winner of "Shear Genius"--in several people's opinion :-)